In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the North Dakota Veterans Cemetery.

North Dakota Veterans Cemetery Foundation

Dedicated to the men and women who have served this state and nation with unequaled distinction and honor.

The state of North Dakota, in tribute to the devotion shown by our veterans in defense of the ideals and values we hold so precious, honors them by providing a location where they may find eternal peace in a setting rich with military history and quiet dignity.

The North Dakota Veteran's Cemetery was established by an act of the 1989 Legislative Assembly. This cemetery is located near the entrance of Fort Abraham Lincoln State Park 6 ½ miles south of Mandan, ND on Hwy 1806. Because of the economic situation in the state at that time, the Legislature did not provide the funding for the construction of the cemetery. Considering the importance of establishing the cemetery, it was decided to proceed with the project using private funds and engineer units of the North Dakota Army National Guard to perform the major portion of the construction work.

The cemetery has been completed. It includes an interment center, paved roadways, parking lot and a meditation plaza. It is a lasting monument to the dedication and service of our comrades. Interments began on the 6th of July 1992. We now must concentrate on a long-term fund from which the interest can be used to run and maintain the cemetery. This will guarantee perpetual care and do all the other things needed to make this an appropriate final resting place.

If you or your organization is interested in becoming a part of this worthy effort, complete the North Dakota Veterans Cemetary Foundation Donation Form and mail it, along with your contribution, to the address shown. Your gift is tax deductible, to the extent permitted by law. Make your check out to the "North Dakota Veterans Cemetery Foundation" and mail it to 1825 46th Street, Mandan, ND 58554.

Your generosity is greatly appreciated. You will be rewarded by knowing you have assisted in making the North Dakota Veterans Cemetery a fitting memorial for those men and women who have represented our state and nation with such dedication.